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Health Care

Please join our new committee!  We need you to advocate with us!  

Co-Chairs are now in place for our Health Care Advocacy Committee!

Julia Fielding
M.D., retired Professor of Radiology at UT Southwestern 

Kelseanna Hollis-Hansen 
Ph.D.,  Assistant Professor at UT Southwestern and working on food security and equity

Working Committee

Contact Julia Fielding and Kelseanna Hollis-Hansen at:, 
for more information. 

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The following websites contain excellent information on programs addressing the health of women and children in Texas.  You can access the document here:
Health Care Resources - Website information

LWV Healthcare Advocacy Committee Inaugural Meeting was on 2/1/2023.  The 
presentation can be found here: Presentation from Feb 2, 2023 LWVD Health Care Advocacy Committee Meeting.

1. Advocacy 101

Effective advocacy consists of: 

  • Solid information, in a

  • Compelling story (with a personal anecdote when possible), useful to

  • Active decision-makers and influencers, who are engaged in

  • Decisions that are currently in play. 

Our Committee is particularly interested in decisions that will affect the health and welfare of women and children in Dallas.

Decision-makers representing Dallas County include:

2. League positions on Health Care 

3. Review of current bills of interest for the 88th session of the Texas Legislature 

These include expansion of Medicaid in Texas, postpartum maternal healthcare, and food access. 

4. In preparation for the next meeting, members are encouraged to:

  • Identify an area of special interest in healthcare advocacy

  • Review the bills identified during the meeting - and others if you wish:

  • Locate facts relating to your area of interest that can be used to make an advocacy plan. These may include positions of current legislators, annual reports of non-profits and information from reliable news sources. This information should be sent to the Committee co-chairs who will then create infographics or a repository of the information.

  • Plan to review these topics and continue our discussion at our next meeting on Thursday, March 2 at 7:30 PM

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